todo lo que debes saber

Las viviendas en la costa de Levante te ofrecen playa, montaña, ciudad, oferta cultural y gastronómica para todos los gustos. El levante español tiene algunas de las mejores playas de la península. La Costa del Azahar, en el norte de la Comunidad Valenciana, cuenta con localidades en las que podrás pasear entre murallas de la edad media como Peñíscola; la Costa Blanca ofrece destinos vacacionales tan clásicos como Benidorm, y no podemos olvidar tampoco la propia Valencia y su paseo de la Malvarrosa. En la Costa Cálida, en Murcia, también hay otros destinos tan apetecibles como Águilas o la espectacular bahía de Cartagena. Si con la llegada del calor quieres desconectar en la playa o en la montaña y estás buscando una vivienda en la costa de Levante, esto es todo lo que debes saber: Oferta gastronómica El recorrer la costa levantina puede ser una experiencia magnífica para los paladares más exigentes. En Castellón, no puedes olvidarte de visitar La Llenega, destacado en la guía Michelín, donde puedes disfrutar de un ambiente acogedor, cuidado al detalle y tranquilo junto a una cocina mediterránea realizada con productos frescos y escogidos individualmente. Si lo que quieres es disfrutar de la alta cocina con unas espectaculares vistas al puerto de Valencia, Vinícolas, con Raúl Alexandre -Premio Nacional de Gastronomía al Mejor Jefe de Cocina en 2004- es tu elección. Unos kilómetros al sur, a pleno pie de playa puedes encontrar La Perla de Jávea donde podrás disfrutar de los clásicos platos de Valencia, una paella o una fideuá, con el añadido de hacerlo al borde del mar. Pasando a la región de Murcia, en un antiguo almacén de Cartagena podemos encontrar el Restaurante El Barrio de San Roque, el mejor lugar para probar uno de los platos más típicos de la zona: el arroz cartagenero. Si quieres disfrutar de una comida con unas espectaculares vistas hacia el Mediterráneo, el restaurante La Tana, en el Cabo de Palos es tu mejor opción. Mar y montaña La Comunidad Valenciana ofrece una gran variedad de planes, ya sea de playa o de montaña. Port Saplaya es una de las playas más valoradas, situada en el término municipal de la Alboraya, donde encontrarás un colorido puerto para disfrutar de un día playero. Si estás en Valencia capital, la Malvarrosa es el gran clásico, con su arena fina y dorada junto al paseo marítimo, allí encontrarás una gran oferta gastronómica y de ocio, frente al cual se disputó en 2007 la Copa América de Vela. Más al sur de la Comunidad encontramos uno de los paisajes más espectaculares de la Costa Blanca; La Granadella, en Jávea, una pequeña cala que ha sido nombrada dos veces la mejor playa de España. Si lo que quieres es un plan de montaña, el Parque natural de la Sierra Calderona es uno de los paisajes más emblemáticos de la Comunidad Valenciana, con una diversidad de flora y fauna envidiable y sorprendentes formaciones geológicas. La Cova Negra en Xàtiva, declarada Bien de Interés Cultural,donde podrás comprender la prehistoria europea y la vida del hombre de Neandertal. El río Serpis, que configura un entorno natural y cultural excepcional entre las provincias de Valencia y Alicante. Múrcia también cuenta con una serie de playas en las que perderse. Si te encuentras en la zona de Cartagena, Cala Cortina es una de ellas, a solo a unos kilómetros de la ciudad y con buenos servicios. En la zona de Águilas puedes escoger la Playa de Poniente o la Playa Amarilla si buscas algo más apartado. Si te apetece cambiar el mar por la montaña, también tienes alternativas como el Salto del Usero o los paisajes casi marcianos de las minas de Marrazón Oferta cultural y entretenimiento para los más pequeños La Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias de Valencia es la gran estrella de la oferta cultural de la comunidad levantina. Un complejo donde se puede encontrar desde el Oceanográfico al Palau de las Arts, que, además, también ofrece planes para niños, como la escuela de verano. Pero no podemos olvidar el Museo de Bellas Artes de Castellón o el Museo Arqueológico de Alicante. También encontramos ciudades que son museos en si misma, como Peñíscola, donde los aficionados a las series recordarán que recientemente se ha rodado Juego de Tronos allí. Si vas con niños, no puedes dejar de visitar Terra Mítica, el parque temático situado en Benidorm y ambientado en las culturas clásicas del Mediterráneo: Roma, Grecia y Egipto. Cuenta con espectaculares atracciones como El Vuelo del Fénix, una caída libre de 54 metros o Inferno, una montaña rusa de la cuarta dimensión -en la que los asientos también pueden girar en su eje transversal-. La costa murciana también tiene una gran oferta cultural. Con una fuerte presencia romana -y cartaginesa- el Museo Romano de Cartagena. La Muralla Púnica es otro yacimiento histórico de visita obligatoria. Tentegorra Aventura o el safari de Terra Natura son planes que no te puedes perder con tus niños. Si la riqueza de la zona te ha convencido y quieres pasar el verano en la costa de Levante, yaencontre puede ayudarte. Aquí tienes las diferentes zonas que forman la Costa Levante y un resumen de datos demográficos para que puedes acotar tu búsqueda: Principales características de las viviendas en la costa de Levante Costa del Azahar Tamaño medio: 93 metros cuadrados Precio medio: 111.000€ Número medio de habitaciones: 2,6 Número medio de baños: 1,5 Porcentaje con terraza: 44% Porcentaje amueblado: 43% Porcentaje con piscina: 20% Porcentaje con ascensor: 44% Porcentaje con aire acondicionado: 18% No te pierdas nuestras viviendas en la zona del castillo de Peñíscola Costa de Valencia Tamaño medio: 105 metros cuadrados Precio medio: 153.000€ Número medio de habitaciones: 2,9 Número medio de baños: 1,5 Porcentaje con terraza: 39% Porcentaje amueblado: 42% Porcentaje con piscina: 13% Porcentaje con ascensor: 64% Porcentaje con aire acondicionado: 33% Playa y ciudad, estos pisos en los alrededores de Valencia pueden ser tuyos Costa Blanca Tamaño medio: 102 metros cuadrados Precio medio: 178.000€ Número medio de habitaciones: 4,6 Número medio de baños: 1,6 Porcentaje con terraza: 63% Porcentaje amueblado: 60% Porcentaje con piscina: 45% Porcentaje con ascensor: 46% Porcentaje con aire acondicionado: 34% ¿Quieres combinar playa y Terra Mítica? Estás viviendas son para ti Costa Cálida Tamaño medio: 101 metros cuadrados Precio medio: 128.000€ Número medio de habitaciones: 2,8 Número medio de baños: 1,5 Porcentaje con terraza: 56% Porcentaje amueblado: 52% Porcentaje con piscina: 24% Porcentaje con ascensor: 29% Porcentaje con aire acondicionado: 31% No solo Murcia es hermosa, su costa, también // (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push(); Source link from Blog via Go Agencies from Network Coaching via IFTTT from Local SEO Guru via IFTTT
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Casas con piscina en Madrid: ¡Báñate sin playa!

Madrid puede no tener playa, pero eso no quiere decir que no puedas huir del calor veraniego con un buen chapuzón. Estos son los mejores pisos con piscina en la capital. El verano en Madrid puede llegar a hacerse agobiante. Pero que no haya una playa cerca no quiere decir que no te puedas dar un chapuzón. En la capital tenemos una gran oferta de pisos que incluyen una piscina en la que librarnos del sofocante calor madrileño. Además de la posibilidad de refrescarnos, tener una piscina también aumenta las posibilidades de ocio -especialmente para quienes tienen niños-. También nos permite llevar una vida más sana, permitiéndonos practicar ejercicio. Y, por supuesto, aumenta el valor de la casa. Estas son algunas de las mejores viviendas con piscina a la venta en Madrid. Chalet en Hortaleza Si estás buscando un chalet adosado en Madrid, este de 275 metros cuadrados ofrece cinco habitaciones y cuatro cuartos de baño. Situado en el barrio de Hortaleza, frente al Parque Juan Carlos I, uno de los más grandes de la capital, y a unos metros de la parada de metro de Canillejas. Ofrece suelos de madera natural y un jardín en el que podrás disfrutar del verano madrileño. Por 990.000€ puede ser tuyo. Ver anuncio en yaencontre Piso en la Calle Concha Espina Si quieres algo más céntrico, a escasos metros del Santiago Bernabéu, en la calle Concha Espina, puedes adquirir este espectacular piso -reformado recientemente- de 240 metros cuadrados, con tres habitaciones y tres baños. La urbanización cuenta con vigilante 24 horas, aparcamiento, pista polideportiva y una agradable piscina en el corazón de Madrid. ¿Su precio? 1.290.000€. Ver anuncio en yaencontre Ático en Chamartín En pleno barrio de Chamartín puedes encontrar este ático de 86 metros cuadrados -con dos habitaciones y un baño- con una terraza de 70 metros cuadrados, que incluye una magnífica piscina. Situado en una cuarta planta, ofrece unas magníficas vistas desde las que se puede ver desde el Santiago Bernabéu hasta las torres Kio. Está a la venta por 1.150.000€. Ver anuncio en yaencontre Chalet en el Viso En pleno barrio del Viso puedes adquirir este chalet de 550 metros cuadrados construido sobre una parcela de 750, con un segundo chalet de 260 metros. Cuenta con un espectacular salón acristalado que da a la terraza con una piscina de diseño. Su precio asciende a los 8.700.000€. Ver anuncio en yaencontre ¿Quieres comprar una vivienda con piscina en Madrid? No te pierdas toda nuestra oferta: Viviendas con piscina en Madrid // (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push(); Source link from Blog via Go Agencies from Network Coaching via IFTTT from Local SEO Guru via IFTTT
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Tasty SEO Report Recipes to Save Time & Add Value for Clients [Next Level]

Posted by jocameron

Reporting can be the height of tedium. You spend your time making those reports, your client may (or may not) spend their time trying to understand them. And then, in the end, we’re all left with some unanswered questions and a rumble in the tum of dissatisfaction.

I’m going to take some basic metrics, throw in some culinary metaphors, and take your client reporting to the next level.

By the end of this article you’ll know how to whip up intelligent SEO reports for your clients (or potential clients) that will deliver actionable insights any search chef worth their salt would be proud of.

[Part one] Freshly foraged keywords on sourdough to power your campaign

I’ve got intel on some really tasty keywords; did you know you can scoop these up like wild porcini mushrooms using your website categories? The trick is to find the keywords that you can use to make a lovely risotto, and discard the ones that taste nasty.

The overabundance of keywords has become a bit of a challenge for SEOs. Google is better at gauging user intent — it’s kind of their thing, right? This results in the types of keywords that send traffic to your clients expanding, and it’s becoming trickier to track every. single. keyword. Of course, with a budget big enough almost anything is possible, but why hemorrhage cash on tracking the keyword minutiae when you can wrangle intelligent data by tracking a sample of keywords from a few pots?

With Keyword Explorer, you can save your foraged terms to lists. By bundling together similar “species,” you’ll get a top-level view of the breadth and depth of search behavior within the categories of your niche. Easily compare volume, difficulty, opportunity, and potential to instigate a data-driven approach to website architecture. You’ll also know, at a glance, where to expand on certain topics and apply more resources to content creation.

With these metrics in hand and your client’s industry knowledge, you can cherry-pick keywords to track ranking positions week over week and add them to your Moz Pro campaign with the click of a button.

What’s the recipe?

Step 1: Pluck keywords from the category pages of your client’s site.

Step 2: Find keyword suggestions in Keyword Explorer.

Step 3: Group by low lexicon to bundle together similar keywords to gather up that long tail.

Step 4: Analyze and save relevant results to a list

Step 5: Head to the Keyword Lists and compare the metrics: where is the opportunity? Can you compete with the level of difficulty? Is there a high-volume long tail that you can dig in to?

Step 6: Add sample keywords from your pots directly to your campaign.

Bonus step: Repeat for products or other topic segments of the niche.

Don’t forget to drill into the keywords that are turning up here to see if there are categories and subcategories you hadn’t thought of. These can be targeted in existing content to further extend the relevancy and reach of your client’s content. Or it may inspire new content which can help to grow the authority of the site.

Why your client will be impressed

Through solid, informed research, you’ll be able to demonstrate why their site should be structured with certain categories on the top-level navigation right down to product pages. You’ll also be able to prioritize work on building, improving, or refining content on certain sections of the site by understanding the breakdown of search behavior and demand. Are you seeing lots of keywords with a good level of volume and lower difficulty? Or more in-depth long tail with low search volume? Or fewer different keywords with high search volume but stronger competition?

Let the demand drive the machine forward and make sure you’re giving the hordes what they want.

All this helps to further develop your understanding of the ways people search so you can make informed decisions about which keywords to track.

[Part two] Palate-cleansing lemon keyword label sorbet

Before diving into the next course you need to cleanse your palate with a lemon “label” sorbet.

In Part One, we talked about the struggle of maintaining gigantic lists of keywords. We’ve sampled keywords from our foraged pots, keeping these arranged and segmented in our Moz Pro campaign.

Now you want to give those tracked keywords a more defined purpose in life. This will help to reinforce to your client why you’re tracking these keywords, what the goal is for tracking them, and in what sort of timeframe you’re anticipating results.

Types of labels may include:

  • Local keywords: Is your business serving local people, like a mushroom walking tour? You can add geo modifiers to your keywords and label them as such.
  • Long-tail keywords: Might have lower search volume, but focused intent can convert well for your client.
  • High-priority keywords: Where you’re shoveling more resources, these keywords are more likely impacting the other keyword segments.
  • Brand keywords: Mirror, mirror on the wall… yeah, we all want those vanity keywords, don’t lie. You can manage brand keywords automatically through “Manage Brand Rules” in Moz Pro:

A generous scoop of tasty lemon “label” sorbet will make all the work you do and progress you achieve infinitely easier to report on with clear, actionable focus.

What’s the recipe?

Step 1: Label your keywords like a pro.

Step 2: Filter by labels in the Ranking tab to analyze Search Visibility for your keyword segments.

In this example, I’m comparing our visibility for “learn” keywords against “guide” keywords:

Step 3: Create a custom report for your keyword segments.

Step 4: Add a drizzle of balsamic vinegar by triggering the Optimize button — now you can send the latest on-page reporting with your super-focused ranking report.

Why your client will be impressed

Your ranking reports will be like nothing your client has ever tasted. They will be tightly focused on the segments of keywords you’re working on, so they aren’t bamboozled by a new slew of keywords or a sudden downward trend. By clearly segmenting your piles of lovely keywords, you’ll be proactively answering those inevitable queries about why, when, and in what form your client will begin to see results.

With the on-page scores updating automatically and shipping out to your client’s inbox every month via a custom report, you’ll be effortlessly highlighting what your team has achieved.

[Part three] Steak sandwich links with crispy competitor bacon

You’re working with your client to publish content, amplifying it through social channels and driving brand awareness through PR campaigns.

Now you want to keep them informed of the big wins you’ve had as a result of that grind. Link data in Moz Pro focuses on the highest-quality links with our Mozscape index, coming from the most prominent pages of authoritative sites. So, while you may not see every link for a site within our index, we’re reporting the most valuable ones.

Alongside our top-quality steak sarnie, we’re add some crispy competitor bacon so you can identify what content is working for the other sites in your industry.

What’s the recipe?

Step 1: Check that you have direct competitors set up on your campaign.

Step 2: Compare link metrics for your site and your competitors.

Step 4: Head to Top Pages to see what those competitors are doing to get ahead.

Step 5: Compile a delicious report sandwich!

Step 6: Make another report for Top Pages for the bacon-filled sandwich experience.

Why your client will be impressed

Each quality established link gives your client a clear idea of the value of their content and the blood, sweat, and tears of your team.

These little gems are established and more likely to have an impact on their ranking potential. Don’t forget to have a chat with your client where you explain that a link’s impact on rankings takes time.

By comparing this directly with the other sites battling it out for top SERP property, it’s easier to identify progress and achievements.

By highlighting those pesky competitors and their top pages by authority, you’re also getting ahead of that burning question of: How can we improve?

[Part four] Cinnamon-dusted ranking reports with cherry-glazed traffic

Rankings are a staple ingredient in the SEO diet. Much like the ever-expanding keyword list, reporting on rankings has become something we do without thinking enough about that what clients can do with that information.

Dish up an all-singing, all-dancing cinnamon-dusted rankings report with cherry-glazed traffic by illustrating the direct impact these rankings have on organic traffic. Real people, coasting on through the search results to your client’s site.

Landing Pages in Moz Pro compares rankings with organic landing pages, imparting not just the ranking score but the value of those pages. Compliments to the chef, because that good work is down to you.

What’s the recipe?

Step 1: Track your target keywords in Moz Pro.

Step 2: Check you’ve hooked up Google Analytics for that tasty traffic data.

Step 3: Discover landing pages and estimated traffic share.

As your SEO work drives more traffic to those pages and your keyword rankings steadily increase, you’ll see your estimated traffic share go up.

If your organic traffic from search is increasing but your ranking is dropping off, it’s an indication that this keyword isn’t the driving force.

Now you can have a dig around and find out why that keyword isn’t performing, starting with your on-page optimization and following up with keyword research.

Why your client will be impressed

We all send ranking reports, and I’m sure clients just love it. But now you can dazzle them with an insight into what those rankings mean for the lifeblood of their site.

You can also take action by directing more energy towards those well-performing keywords, or investigate what worked well for those pages and replicate it across other keywords and pages on your site.

Wrapping up

It’s time to say “enough is enough” and inject some flavor into those bland old SEO reports. Your team will save time and your clients will thank you for the tasty buffet of reporting delight.

Next Level is our educational series combining actionable SEO tips with tools you can use to achieve them. Check out any of our past editions below:

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Offline & Organic: The Two Rivers That Feed Modern Local SEO

Posted by MiriamEllis


The craft that is your business navigates the local waterways. Whether yours is an independently owned natural foods store or a medical enterprise with hundreds of locations, it can be easy to get lost cresting all of the little waves that hit our industry, week by week, year after year.

Google endorses review kiosks and then outlaws them. They pop your dental practice into a carousel and then disband this whole display for your industry. You need to be schema-encoded, socially active, mobile-friendly, voice-ready… it’s a lot to take in. So let’s weigh anchor for a few minutes, in the midst of these never-ending eddies, to evaluate whether all of the developments of the past few years add up to a disjointed jumble of events or represent a genuine sea change in our industry. Let’s see which way the wind is really blowing in local search marketing.

The organic SEO journey is now our own

If you’ve only been working in SEO for a couple of years, you may think I’m telling you a fishy yarn when I say there was a time not long ago when this otherwise brilliant industry was swamped with forum discussions about how much you could move the ranking needle by listing 300 terms in a meta keywords tag, putting hidden text on website pages, buying 5,000 links from directories that never saw the light of day in the SERPs and praying to the idol of PageRank.

I’m not kidding — it was really like this, but even back then, the best in the business were arguing against building a marketing strategy largely based on exploiting search engines’ weaknesses or by pinning your brand to iffy, spammy or obsolete practices. The discourse surrounding early SEO was certainly lively!

Then came Panda, Penguin, and all of the other updates that not only targeted poor SEO practices, but more importantly, established a teaching model from which all digital marketers could learn to visualize Google’s interpretation of relevance. There were many updates before these big ones, but I mention them because, along with Hummingbird, they combine to set much of the stage for where the SEO industry is at today, after 17 years of signals from Google schooling us in their worldview of search. If I could sum up what Google has taught us in 3 points, they would be:

  1. Market to humans, and let that rule how you write, earn links, design pages and otherwise promote your business
  2. Have a technician handy to avoid technical missteps that thwart growth
  3. Your brand will live or die by the total reputation it builds, both in terms of search engines and the public

Most of what I see being written across the SEO industry today relates to these three concepts which form a really sane picture of a modern marketing discipline — a far cry from stuffed footers and doorway pages, right? Yes, I’m still getting emails promising me #1 Google rankings, but by and large, it’s been inspirational watching the SEO industry evolve to earn a serious place in the wide world of marketing.

Now, how does all this relate to local SEO?

There are two obvious reasons why the traditional SEO industry’s journey relates to our own:

  1. Organic strength impacts local rankings
  2. Local businesses need organic (sometimes called local-organic) rankings, too

This means that for our agencies’ clients, we’ve got to deliver the goods just the way an organic SEO company would. I’d bet a nickel there isn’t a week that goes by that you don’t find yourself explaining to an SAB owner that you’re unlikely to earn him local rankings for his service cities where he lacks a physical location, but you are going to get him every bit of organic visibility you can via his website’s service city landing pages and supporting marketing. And for your brick-and-mortar clients, you are filling the first few pages of Google with both company website and third-party content that creates the consumer picture we call “reputation.”

It’s organic SEO that populates your clients’ most important organic search results with the data that speak most highly of them, even if this SEO is being done by Yelp or TripAdvisor. Because of this, I advocate studying the history of Google’s updates and how it has impacted the organic SEO community’s understanding of Google’s increasingly obvious emphasis on trust and relevance.

And, I will go one further than this. You are going to need real SEO tools to manage the local search marketing for your clients in the most competitive geo-industries. Consider that with the release of the Local Search Ranking Factors 2017 study, experts have cited that:

  • 5 of the top 20 local pack/finder factors relate to links
  • Quality/authority of inbound links to domain was chosen as the #1 local-organic ranking factor.

Add to this the top placement of factors like domain authority of website and the varieties of appropriate keyword usage.

In other words, for your client who owns a bakery in rural Iowa, you’ll likely need basic organic SEO skills to get them all the visibility they need, but for your attorney in Los Angeles, your statewide medical practice and your national restaurant chain with 600 locations, having organic SEO tools at the professional level of something like Moz Pro in your marketing kit is what will enable you to grab that competitive edge your bigger clients absolutely have to have, and to hold onto it for them over time.

The organic river is definitely feeding the local one, and your ability to evaluate links, analyze SERPs, and professionally optimize pages is part of your journey now.

The offline PR journey is now our own

I sometimes wonder if my fellow local SEOs feel humbled, as I do, when talking to local business owners who have been doing their own marketing for 20, 30, or even 40 years. Pre-Internet, these laudable survivors have been responsible for deciding everything from how to decorate the storefront for a Memorial Day sale, to mastering customer service, to squeezing ROI instead of bankruptcy out of advertising in newspapers, phone directories, coupon books, radio, billboards and local TV. I call to mind the owner of a family business I consulted with who even sang his own jingle in an effort to build his local brand in his community. Small business owners, in particular, really put it all on the line in their consumer appeals, because their survival is at stake.

By contrast, our local SEO industry is still taking baby steps on a path forged by the likes of Wayside Inn (est. 1797), Macy’s (est. 1858), and the Fuller Brush Man, (est. 1906). These stalwarts of selling to local consumers have seen it all (and tried much of it) in the search for visibility, from Burma-Shave billboards to “crazy” local car dealer ads.

In the 1960’s, Pillsbury VP Robert Keith published an anecdotal article which promoted, in part, a consumer-centric model for marketing, and though his work has been criticized, some of his concepts resemble the mindset we see being espoused by today’s best marketers.

Very often, being consumer-centric is nearly analogous to being honest. Just as the organic SEO world has been taught by Google that “tricking” Internet users and search engines with inauthentic signals doesn’t pay off in the long run, making false claims on your offline packaging or TV ads is likely to be quickly caught and widely publicized to consumers in the digital age. If your tacos don’t really contain seasoned beef, your 12-packs of soda aren’t really priced at $3.00, and your chewing gum doesn’t really kill germs, can your brand stand the backlash when these deceptions are debunked?

And even for famous brands like Macy’s that have successfully served the public for decades, the simple failure to continuously create an engaging in-store experience or to compete adeptly in a changing market can contribute to serious losses, including store closures. Offline marketing is truly tough.

And, how does all this relate to local SEO?


Yes, the “three grumpy woman” price gouging and doing “the dodgy”, the desk clerk who screams when asked about wi-fi, and the unmanaged but widely publicized wrong hours of operation — they say local business owners fear negative reviews, but local SEOs are the ones who walk into these situations with incoming clients and say, “My gosh, just what have these people been doing? How do I fix this?”

The forces of organic SEO (high visibility) and offline marketing (consumer-centricity) face off on our playing field, and often, the first intimation we get of our clients’ management of the in-store experience comes from reading the online reputation they’ve built on the first few pages of Google. Sometimes we applaud what we discover, sometimes we quake in our boots. It’s become increasingly apparent that, as local SEOs, we aren’t just going to be able to concentrate on optimizing title tags or managing citations, because the offline world we work to build the online mirror image of will reflect all of the following attributes pertaining to our clients:

  • Consumer guarantee policies
  • Staff hiring and training practices
  • Cleanliness
  • Quality
  • Pricing
  • Convenience
  • Perception of fairness/honesty
  • Personality of owner/management/staff

This list has nothing to do with online technical work, but everything to do with the company culture of the businesses we serve.

Because of this, local SEOs who lack a basic understanding of how customer service works in the offline world won’t be fully equipped to consult with clients who may need as much help defining the USP of their business as they do managing its local promotion. Predominantly, we work remotely and can’t walk into our client’s hotel or medical practice. We glean clues from what we see online (just like consumers) and if we can build our knowledge of the history of traditional marketing, we’ll have more authority to bring to consultations that address in-store problems in honest, gutsy ways while also maximizing overlooked opportunities.

I once walked into a small, quaint bakery selling dainty little cakes and expensive beverages, decorated in a cozy floral scheme; a place my auntie might have liked to take tea with a friend. The in-store music in this haven of ladylike repose? Heavy metal so loud it hurt my ears, despite being popular with the two kids left to man the shop while the owner was nowhere in evidence. The place was gone within a year.

As local SEOs, we can’t fix owners who aren’t determined to succeed, but our study of traditional marketing principles and consumer behavior can help us integrate the offline stream into the local, online one, making us better advisors. Likely you are already teaching the art of the offline review-ask. Whether your agency builds on this to begin managing billboards and print mailers directly for clients, or you are only in on meetings about these forms of outreach, the more you know, the better your chances at running successful campaigns.

It’s all local now, plus….

In communities across the US, townsfolk have long carried out the tradition of gathering on sidewalks for the pageantry of the annual parade in which the hallmarks of local life stream by them in procession. Local school marching bands, the hardware store’s float made entirely out of gardening tools, the church group in homemade Biblical costumes, the animal shelter with dogs in tow, and the Moose Club riding in an open car, waving to the crowd.

This is where we step in, leading the the local parade to march it past the eyes of digital consumers. We bring the NAP, citations, locally optimized content and review management into the stream, teaching clients how to be noticed by the crowd. And, we do this on the shoulders of the organic SEO and offline marketing communities’ constantly improving sense of the importance of truth in advertising.

In other words, everything that is offline, everything that is organic is now our own. We are simply adding the digital location data layer and a clear sense of direction to bring it all together. And, just to clarify, it’s not that the organic and offline streams weren’t feeding our particular river in the past — they always have been. It’s just that it has become increasingly obvious that a multi-disciplinary understanding does really belong to the work we do as local SEOs.

Manning a yare local SEO boat & charting a savvy course for the future

In the lingo of old salts at sea, a “yare” ship is one that is that is quick, agile and lively, and that’s exactly what your business or agency needs to be to handle the small but constant changes that impact the local SEO industry.

From the annals of local SEO history, you can find record after record of some of the top practitioners stating after each new update, filter or guideline change that their clients were only minorly affected instead of sunk deep. How do they achieve this enviable position? I’ve concluded that it’s because they have:

  1. Become expert at seeing the holistic picture of marketing
  2. Base their practices on this, sticking to basic guidelines and seeing human connections as the end goal of all marketing efforts

It’s by building up a sturdy base of intelligent, homocentric marketing materials (website, citations, social contributions, in-store, print, radio, etc.) that businesses can stand firm when there’s a slight change in the weather. It doesn’t matter whether Google hides or shows review stars, hammers down on thin content or on suspicious links because the bulk of the efforts being made by the business and its marketers aren’t tied to the minutiae of search engines’ whims — they’re tied to consumers.

It’s because of this dedicated consumer tie that enough that is good has been built to protect the business against massive losses with each new update or rule. Even a few bad reviews are really no problem. Consumers are still finding the business. Revenue is still coming in. Because of this sturdy base, the business can be yare, making quick, agile adjustments to fix problems and maximize the benefits of new opportunities which arise with each small change, rather than having to bail themselves out on a ship that has been sunk due to lack of broader marketing vision.

Let’s sum it up by saying that to chart a good course for future success, your company must know the technical aspects and historical tenets of local, organic, and offline marketing — but above all else, you must know consumers and have a business heart dedicated to their service. A mature heart is one that wisely balances the needs of self with the needs of others. I, for one, find my own heart all-in participating in this exciting and necessary maturation of our industry.

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